fredag den 25. november 2011

I am bored..

So. I am extremely bored right now. I'm in a Skype-call with some friends, but they are playing Skyrim. Both of them. And they are commenting on just about everything, so I'm kind of just sitting here not doing anything. So i decided i would post this, with some of the thoughts I've had through the week(s). Most of them are about how school sucks, but i think there is some which isn't.

Anyway, i had a thought: If there is anything "supernatural" what would it? Personally i think I'm starting to believe in Gaia (or however you spell it) or "Mother nature". Especially because it makes the fact that i hate homework more tolerable. If you think of it this way: If Mother Nature wanted me to do homework all my life, wouldn't she have given birth to me with a pencil and paper? I would if that was what i wanted for everybody. Of course there's also the more 'Humoristic' (or something) part of it. Like, if Mother Nature wanted me to bathe, wouldn't she have given birth to me in a lake? So i or something like that. At least it would make it come more natural.

 That is sort of one of the reason why i want to live in a camp or something. Where people don't care about hygiene or if you're wearing the same shirt for the 5th day in a row. How awesome would that be? That would wonderful, not having to change your clothes all the time. I'm just tired of all the 'chores' you have to do. Why is it, that i can't just do what i want? I don't want to do any of this.

I'm just sitting here, in my chair, "talking" to some friends. Well, it's not really talking, since i'm not saying anything. I'm listening to Volbeat while half-following their conversation, which in itself is hard enough, considering my current state of mind. I just want to retreat. Into myself. I do not desire going to school. Nor do i deserve. I don't want to sit home all day, partly because i know it's depressing. Considering i hardly have any friends, i don't want to go outside either. When you look at me in comparison to an average teenager:

When all the others are out drinking, partying and generally having a good time, I am sitting at home playing.

When all the others are doing their homework and preparing for school, I am sitting on my computer playing.
When all the others move away from home and get families and a job and have a good life, I will be sitting on my computer playing.

I have no life, nor do i desire one. 

As i just read in a "friends" blog, if i don't get good grades, i won't be able to do anything, and that is bullshit. I can be better than everybody at something, but i need to get good grades in something completely irrelevant to be able to do that. WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOCIETY. I think it's all bullshit and a part of the systems plan to keep us down... 

Anyway i can feel that i might cry, so until next time!

onsdag den 9. november 2011


Ohhai. I just realized how full of bullshit the danish music industry really is. For an example: there is this one guy. Kidd. He can't sing, he can't rap, he can't do fucking shit. But right now, he is like famous as fuck. Everybody either hates him. Or loves him. It's fucking bullshit. Why can't people stop giving people, like that, attention. Just make them go away, and let the real artists get their fame. Instead of listening to Kidd and Justin Bieber, they could be listening to bands like I Fight Dragons (for the nerds) and Black Skyline (for metal heads or something)! I mean, there's music for everyone. If someone wants to listen to pop, why not listen to the good things? Like Depeche Mode or something like that. It's really a waste of time. I mean, if one tries to say it to fans of the bad artists, they just say that i'm jealous. But they don't realize, that i'm not jealous. At all.. If anything, i feel sorry for bad artists. This is turning to repeating myself. So FUCK THIS. See ya

tirsdag den 8. november 2011


Yeah. This is the first time i'm blogging in, what, a year? Close at least. I just felt like doing this shit after i saw a friends blog. Or, i don't know if it's a friends, but at least a friend of a friend's blog. 

He wrote something about being scared of picking subjects in school, and that made me realize for the 6th time: I really don't give a shit. 

School, to me, is hell. I never do anything. I barely do my homework. I turn in most of my assignments, but when it says i should use about 2 hours on it, i use 15 minutes. It's boring and it's a waste of my precious time.

And it doesn't help that i just found out that the rules suck too. We have this internet thing where we have to turn in all of our assignments, so we don't get put in "homework prison", or whatever. And i am alright with this. Problem is, that one of the teachers says she also want them turned in, by hand. And i personally think that that is fucking bullshit. Why the fuck would they use the internet for stuff like that, when the teachers can just say they want it turned in by hand, and then we have to do it. It's fucking bullshit. I don't want to turn in my assignments twice. Just because one fucking teacher has to do it her bull-fucking-shit way. And did i mention that we aren't allowed to swear in her classes? We aren't. We can't swear at all! Or she'll send us outside the door, and say that we weren't there for about 50% of the time. It's fucking bullshit!

Because of this, i'm really considering dropping out. But since my mom will probably get really really pissed at me, if i do, i've also thought of moving. I even have a friend who said i could live with him. But i don't want to bother him. Nor his family. And in the end, i'm probably going to finish school and shit. Even though i am truly fucked. So far, i haven't been listening to anything. I'm just staring blankly into space, or writing notes. And when i write notes, i miss about half of everything. It's all bullshit anyway. I just want to play my music. 

All of this reminds me of when i blogged more. Or when i just made like two or three posts all in all. They would be like 1,5 pages long, because i just kept thinking about random shit. But i don't want to talk about that now.

I think that's about it for this one.. Fucking teachers. They can just go fuck themselves. Except my mother. She's cool

Anyway, i didn't think i would ever make a new blog post, but yeah.
Until next time!